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【Result Announcement】HII 2021 Peer Mentors

2021-08-04  点击:[]

HII 2021 Peer Mentor's Campaign

Result Announcement

College of International Collaboration (Houston International Institute) has organized 2021 peer mentors’ campaign amongst all sophomore students during July 20 to August 3.

A total of 40 students who submitted their applications has received interviews. Thanks to all members who has participated by sharing with us your precious experience and brilliant ideas. All of you are the best students we have ever met. However, due to the vacancy limited, in viewing of the academic performance, volunteer experience, spare time distribution, and personal advantages, after a serious all-round assessment, the judging panel makes a difficult decision that the winners are as follows.

Congratulations to all the peer mentors and thank you for your participation to all those participants.

上一条:关于举办“拔节计划”之“国际新鲜人成长论坛”的通知 下一条:国际新媒中心(HII News Media Centre)招新啦!
