- Message from UH -
In 2024, at the completion of your UH degree, some of you will be in Dalian, others here in Houston, but for all of you, we will celebrate your achievement like this, and we will look forward to your graduation from the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston in 2024.
- What is University Commencement -
What is University Commencement? It is tradition. It is pomp. It is pageantry. It is impressive and spectacular. It is joy and pride for your family, and it is precedent-setting for generations to follow.
University Commencement is personal and meaningful. It is a shared celebration with faculty and friends who have shaped your education. University Commencement is a smaller-setting opportunity that reflects the flavor and traditions of each college. Your family and friends are encouraged to attend your college ceremony, which highlights the Dean and faculty, and allows for individual graduate recognition as you to hear your name called and you walk across the stage to receive your accolades.
University Commencements will be held at various locations on the University of Houston campus and surrounding venues in the city. University Commencement is the formal celebration at which degrees are conferred upon graduating students. University Commencement is an event not to be missed by students, families, and friends.
- President, University of Houston -
Renu Khator教授为美国休斯顿大学现任校长,曾任美国佛罗里达大学副校长兼任人文与科学学院院长。2009至2016年,她就任于美国商业高等教育论坛董事会。同时,她于2014至2016年出任达拉斯联邦储备银行第11区主席,并于2015至2016年兼任美国教育委员会主席。
Renu Khator教授毕业于美国普渡大学,先后获得政治学硕士学位和政治与公共管理博士学位。2009年,Renu Khator教授被授予美国普渡大学社会科学名誉博士,2014年被授予英国斯旺西大学名誉文学博士学位。
2010年,Renu Khator教授被授予美国德克萨斯州Women on the Move奖项。2013年和2014年连续两年被国际大学联合会授予“年度校长”荣誉。2015年,被授予国家犹太女性联合会休斯顿分会颁发的最具影响力女性奖。2016年,她被授予威廉·劳森和平与繁荣研究所颁发的真正榜样奖。2017年,她被授予休斯顿拉丁美洲研究中心颁发的人道主义奖。2018年,她被授予美国教育委员会颁发的理事会研究员/富达投资导师奖。此外,Renu Khator教授在美国被授予荣誉奖项二十余个。
- 往届毕业典礼剪影 -